Thursday, June 05, 2014

Why #blogjune? Why?

This is exactly why I signed up for #blogjune, and maybe why I shouldn't have.

It's day 4, but I'm typing this at 12:30am on day 5. :)

One of my friends who has done #blogjune before said something like "don't be too hard on yourself, pace yourself" etc... And this has always been the 'problem' with my blog: if it's not right / perfect I don't post, so very little gets posted at all!

I really liked this tweet from another #blogjune writer: Jackie writes "in which I remember I have a blog"... It's like that for me.

I hope that the habit of #blogjune may bring on some more regular blogging into the future and help me overcome my perfectionistic tendencies.

We can but try, right?

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